Pfaffian equation

It is a Pfaffian system generated by a single 1-form, $\{\omega\}$, in a manifold $M$. Usually it is denoted by

$$ \omega \equiv 0 $$


$$ x y dx+zdy+z^2 y dz=0 $$


Pfaff's problem is to determine its integral manifolds of maximal dimension (@bryant2013exterior page 15).

If the Pfaffian system is completely integrable then the 1-form is called Frobenius integrable. It is a weaker condition that being closed. That is, a 1-form is Frobenius integrable if there exists $\mu$ such that $\mu \omega$ is closed. The function $\mu$ is an integrating factor.

To solve a Pfaffian equation it is usually used a property of the wedge product.


The integer $r$ defined by

$$ (d\omega)^r \wedge \omega\neq0, \quad (d\omega)^{r+1} \wedge \omega = 0 $$ is called the rank of the Pfaffian equation, or Pfaff rank of $\omega$. It depends on the point $x\in M$. In the case of constant rank it can be applied the Pfaff-Darboux theorem.




Author of the notes: Antonio J. Pan-Collantes